There are numerous green landscaping options for the environmentally-conscious homeowner.

One way is to use indigenous or native plants. Indigenous plants require less maintenance than other types of plants. They need less water. They are more resistant to pests and disease, and therefore don't require pesticides. Little or no fertilising is necessary. They keep out undesirable invasive species which can take over a landscape.

Another landscaping idea that is helpful to the environment is to create rain gardens. Although indigenous plants are often used in these types of areas, non-native plants that are wet-site tolerant can be included. Rain gardens are areas that are specially created so that water is directed to them. Rain gardens help with stormwater management. Water draining to this area goes back into the ground and helps supply the water sources. Rain gardens eliminate run-off and also the need for expensive drainage systems.

Xeriscaping is another green method of landscaping. Here, plants that are drought tolerant are used in the landscape. As with indigenous plants, less water is needed for survival. Many indigenous plants are drought tolerant although some non-native ones can be too. Many herbs and perennials are part of this group that can easily survive in dry conditions. Less water is used to keep drought tolerant plants alive. Lavender, thyme and juniper are great examples.

Lighting designs and fixtures that use less energy are positive ways to help the environment. Low voltage and solar lighting are great choices. Solar lights depend on the energy of the sun during the day to provide lighting at night. Eight hours of sunlight is required to get the full benefits. No electricity is used and installation is simple.