An insurance broker visits a nearby office block, hoping to sell some insurance. She greets the security guard at the door and asks for the person in charge.

The guard says, “Not me; I only open the door for clients. Let me take you to my manager.”

The insurance agent then asks the manager if he is in charge. The manager replies, “Not me; I only give the orders around here. Let me take you to the director.”

The insurance agent asks the director if she is in charge. ”Not me," she answers. "I only conduct meetings and hear complaints. Let me take you to the head of the trustees' committee.”

The insurance agent then asks the head of the trustees' committee if he is in charge. He replies, “Not me; I just take care of the building.”

By this time, the insurance agent is quite frustrated and wonders aloud, “Well, who IS in charge here anyway?”

The tea lady pipes up and says, “That'll be me! NOTHING happens around here until I make the coffee.”