Renovating your home can be quite a project. But, what if you are living in the house while it is being renovated? Worry not, a little planning and foresight will tide you through the rough patches.

Dust everywhere - Renovating comes with its fair share of dust. If possible, construct a partition at the site to keep dust away. Cover your furniture with old sheets and store away your treasured showpieces. You can also invest in a couple of dust masks so you don’t inhale the dust while work is underway.

Noise - A construction site can get really noisy. If you work from home or if noise troubles you, buy a pair of noise-cancelling headphones.

Delays - There are certain factors beyond your control that can mess with your schedule. Unfavourable weather is one of them. So, before going ahead with project, be mentally prepared that the contractor may overshoot the deadline. It will all be fine in the end.

Time to de-clutter - During this process, you'll find furniture, clothes, books and other items that have outlasted their use. Don’t hoard them. This is the best time to give to people who may have use for them. You will be happier after accomplishing this task.

Don’t get stressed - You may find yourself losing your temper during this period. Many people also suffer from anxiety and insomnia. You'll need to deal with issues calmly and not get overwhelmed. Take up physical exercise and try not to overthink.